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About Nicole (a.k.a. Nikki)

So I'm now onto my second post-college job. But this one definitely takes the cake so far. Great co-workers, great location, flexible, etc. But if you have a better offer for me check out my resume down below! =)

Birthday: September 3, 1979
Place of birth: Livingston, NJ
Place of residence: Recently moved back in with my parents in Buena Park, CA (What can I say? It's got free rent and free utilities. But it really kills your social life.)

School: UCLA
Major: Linguistics/Anthropology
Minor: Asian American Studies
I finally graduated! Yay for the class of 2002!!!

Favorite sports: figure skating, snowboarding, kali, kung-fu
Hobbies: reading, playing the piano, watching movies, swing dancing, scrapbooking
Favorite books: any Star Wars book, the Harry Potter books, Marion Zimmer Bradley's Avalon and Darkover series', figure skating books, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella
Favorite musicals: Into the Woods and Les Miserables
Favorite TV Shows: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Everwood, Queer As Folk
Favorite movies: Princess Bride, The Little Mermaid, Moulin Rouge, Pirates of the Caribbean
Favorite music: too many! I like jazz, musicals, some pop (like *Nsync and Britney Spears :), rock (like Dido and No Doubt and Sarah McLachlin and Josie and the Pussycats :), and classical (I love the Nutracker music and Chopin and Gershwin)
Favorite places to hang out: Downtown Disney / Disneyland, any Barnes & Noble store, Corona Del Mar, Memories, my bedroom

Pet peeves: drivers who don't use their signal, people who are obnoxious or rude when it's uncalled for, roommates who leave food out (for more than an hour) after finishing eating and/or cooking, and people who try to be something they're not


A door; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Yes, that's me. Sorry for the bad quality of the picture, but this is my grad proof (taken at the end of November 2001). Once I get the actual pictures in I'll try to update this.